- Fixed problems of game not moving forward and gameplay not triggering properly after videos.
- Fixed flickering trees on Nvidia
- Real Traditional Chinese translation for added PC strings.
- Fix that the Developer Video Commentary volume is more sensible
- Fix that Localized cinematic audio volume is at correct volume and adjustable
- Fix that controller vibration works (note that it's disabled by default)
- Fix that blur occasionally got re-enabled even if -noblur command line option was specified
- Added "-rigidcamera" command line option for those who are sensitive to the default mouse/camera controls.
- Added possibility to bind mouse buttons 4 and 5
- Unofficial support for running the game in lower resolutions than 1024x768 using command line options
- Prevent binding controller keys to keyboard actions (prevents odd problems)
- Better CPU thread assignment for 3-Core AMD machines (smoother gameplay)
- Big thanks for the PC fans out there! We are constantly working on improving the game based on your feedback, please keep it coming!